Gilligan's Story

Lou L. was out on his boat by Fort DeSoto one day when he heard the helpless cries of what sounded like a cat on Sister Key Island. As he drove the boat closer, he saw much to his amazement, a tabby & white cat in the mangroves meowing his little heart out for help. He went ashore & picked up the helpless creature & took him to Gulfport Veterinary Hospital. Theycneutered, vaccinated, microchipped him & turned him over to All 'Bout Cats.
Lou called the vet's office hoping to adopt him (now named Gilligan) & was told he's now adoptable through ABC. He emailed us & said he & his wife wanted to give him a permanent home. Thank you Lou & Marlene for rescuing sweet Gilligan & making him a cherished family member. He looks really happy & adjusted. We couldn't ask for a happier ending!