To everyone at All 'Bout Cats and the Vets who saved Shakespeare's life:

Last weekend we adopted an amazing little kitty named, "Shakespeare". This little guy had quite the story and his ad immediately caught our interest. We emailed and you put us in touch with Val, his foster Mom, (who was wonderful to deal with) and she facilitated the adoption. This all took place quickly and easily. Seconds after entering Val's home, Shakespeare ran up to us and greeted us with a meow. It was love at first sight because in moments he was purring as we pet him.
It has only been a week now and already we can't imagine life without Shakespeare. He has seamlessly transitioned into our home. Clearly the loss of a limb has not dampened his spirit and we think that has everything to do with the care and concern he received during and following his trauma. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you ABC, thank you Val, and thank you Gulfport Vets for saving little Shakespeare's life and nursing him back to health. We are so grateful you gave him a second chance to live so that we could love him. :)
~ Rachel Dempsey and Chet Bramble