Do You Ever Turn Cats Away?
Our no-kill rescue efforts are designed to find homes for homeless and abandoned cats that would normally encounter immediate euthanasia at many other shelters. Because of the many numbers of homeless and unwanted cats, no shelter or rescue group could possibly take them all. That is why All 'Bout Cats sets about fighting the homeless and abandoned cat problem on all fronts with spay and neuter services, humane education, behavior counseling, and referral sources for low-income cat owners, and sheltering cats.
Do You Euthanize Cats?
Euthanasia only occurs after a veterinarian determines that the cat is in terminal suffering. We do from time to time receive friendly FeLV positive cats that do not show symptoms. We will place the cat in a foster home rather than euthanizing it. If the cat is in late stages of FeLV then we do euthanize the cat.
Don't You Think You Are Adding To The Over-Population Problem By Limiting Your Intake With Your No-Kill Cause?
There are millions and millions of strays in this country and it is difficult to see that light at the end of the tunnel but progress is being made. We are dedicated to our no-kill cause and have a passion for finding a safe place for these homeless and abandoned cats while working with other rescue organizations to build a network to reduce over-population. Until forever homes are found these cats find safety in our foster home network, however long that may be.